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Basketball Rankings

NEXTUS Basketball Rankings offers a fresh perspective and opportunity for emerging and/or overlooked athletes to gain an independent evaluation and ranking based on their US Prep Elite Exposure Basketball camp and/or any US Prep Athletes Showcase event performance. Our rankings offer student-athletes a chance to build their athletic resume as they are pursuing their dreams of playing a sport at the collegiate level.

Eligible athletes include ninth thru 12th graders currently in high school.  As a rule exceptional athletes in middle school maybe mentioned but not ranked inside NEXTUS Rankings.

Camp Basketball Rankings (Methodology)

Our rankings lean mostly on a productivity model.  The productivity model we’ve selected for basketball was created by John Hollinger (Game Score).  Other criteria such as historical high school and travel team play relative to competition, past and current rankings, athlete progression and academic proclivity towards college eligibility will also be taken into consideration in future rankings.  Our goal is to be a destination where upcoming or overlooked athletes experience a fair shot for recognition and enhanced exposure.  Reports are updated periodically through the high school and travel ball season.

Reach and Coverage

To acknowledge that it is virtually impossible for us to cover all high school athletes in a particular state(s) in one report is an understatement.  Therefore, we have reserved our ranking efforts to athletes who specifically attend the US Prep Elite Exposure Basketball Camps/Clinics and any sponsored US Prep Athletes Showcase events.  .


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